ReMI Obtains Financing from NSERC and Prompt for Intelligent Tactical Wireless Networks Project

ReMI has obtained a new partnership agreement with NSERC and Prompt for the funding of Professor Georges Kaddoum’s (ETS) ‘Intelligent Tactical Wireless Networks for Challenging Environments’ project. This important funding is in addition to the funding provided by Ultra for distributed and real-time artificial intelligence for its mission-critical wireless applications. Professor Kaddoum and his team, in collaboration with the École Polytechnique de Montréal and Ultra’s engineers, will work to develop resilient artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques that can resist electromagnetic attacks and be deployed in mobile environments, without the need for fixed infrastructure.

Prompt’s mission is to stimulate university-industry Research and Development (R&D) partnerships that increase the competitiveness of the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) industry. The Prompt-IA Innovation Program aims to support small businesses and organizations in the various stages of carrying out their innovation projects in artificial intelligence.