ReMI Obtains Financing from Prompt for Optimized Learning Framework Project

ReMI has just obtained a new partnership agreement with Prompt to finance the project ‘Optimized learning framework for mission-critical applications in tactical communications’ from Professor Kim Khoa Nguyen (ETS). The funding is under Prompt’s Partenar-IA program. The Partenar-IA program aims to accelerate the design and development of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies by Quebec companies by participating in the funding of collaborative research projects. Professor Nguyen and his team, in collaboration with engineers at Ultra, will work to develop machine learning transfer methods between different critical applications to help compensate for the relatively small amount of data available in these fields. This project will also allow machine learning results obtained in the tactical sector to be applied to the Energy sector.

Prompt’s mission is to stimulate university-industry Research and Development (R&D) partnerships that increase the competitiveness of the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) industry.

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